In the book of Alma it talks about Alma seeing the evil ways of his people and him wanting to do something about it. That sounds like a lot of what we hear now a days. Many of us see the bad things going on in the world and make comments like, I wish I could do something to help, or, if that we my kid I would...., But think about that for a moment. we can do something. We just chose not to because it puts us out of our comfort zone.
Now take the example of Alma. Not only did he say something, he did something. What common man in a position of authority, would give up the office of head of state to try and help people they don't know save their souls. I can not think of one person aside from the Apostles.
I wish I could say I would give it all up to help others, but I don't know if I have the kind of dedication that would require. I know I posses the love in my heart to help others and often do on a small scale, but we are talking about giving up a power that is unimaginable to most people. I hope to someday be able to say I would give up everything I have and am to be the kind of leader Alma was.
I think it might be easier to "average" people to give up their livelihoods and do full time missionary/service work if they knew that their needs would met. Sadly, work it a necessity for most, and to quit to do full time service for others would only create another person (or persons) in need.