Saturday, March 19, 2016


As we are reading about the brother of Jared and their group, they spent 4 years in one place. At the end of that time the Lord comes to the brother of Jared and spend three hours with him. It says he was chastised, but it does not say if the entire three hours was one long chastisement or if it was short and he and the Lord discussed other items. In my mind the lord took a significant amount of time to rebuke the brother of Jared for not communicating. I can not even imagine what it would be like to have a verbal admonishment from the Lord for 3 hours. I get a small amount from my boss and i feel like the day is shot. As i thought about this, i tried to relate it to my life. How often do i speak with my earthly parents? a couple times a month at best sometimes i may go a couple months. We all live busy lives and get caught up in the cares and worries of the world i can imagine the brother of Jared and his group were very busy trying to find food to eat and trying to stay safe. But even as busy as that I have a hard time understanding how you cold "forget" to speak to Heavenly Father for such a long time.

1 comment:

  1. For the Lord to come and personally chastise the brother of Jared for not praying makes me think that maybe there was more going on. It makes me think that maybe prayers were being said, but there was no depth to them. Maybe the brother of Jared went through the motions but wasn't really communing with God. I've had a lot of conversations with people who just ramble on and on and don't even notice when I'm not listening because they're just talking AT me, not WITH me. I wonder if this is part of the situation with the brother of Jared and the Lord at this point? The brother of Jared is obviously someone righteous and faithful, so I'm thinking the sin must have been in the quality of communication with the Lord, not in the total absence of it (although to the Lord it would have seemed like an absence since He would know when the brother of Jared was really talking WITH Him, versus just talking AT Him.)
