Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Pride and Humility

As we were reading in our assigned chapters this week (Alma 30-35), It struck me as more than prideful when the Zoramites got on their Rameumptom to tell the Lord that they know they were better than everyone else and they were the only ones that were going to be saved. Now I have at times felt like we as members of the church have a kind of prideful declaration when we say we have the only true church. but to tell God that you are all that, WOW. I have read this story a bunch of times and I keep waiting for the lightning bolt to come out of the sky and strike them all dead.
 On of the things that stood out to me this time reading these chapters was the distinction of the different kinds of humility. I had not thought about that before. To humble yourself naturally or to be forced into humility. It seems to me we would all want to do the first because it seems to have no consequences, but when you stop and think about it, it really is easier to be forced into humility. There are normally unfavorable circumstances that make us humble, but i believe we usually learn far greater lessons by going through the refiners fire so to speak.

1 comment:

  1. I guess it depends on what you consider to be "easier." I think it's easier to humble myself rather than go through whatever trial requires me to be humbled, but I see your point about often learning more from the challenging trials than we do from simple obedience.
